Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Magic Numbers

I was talking to Andrea today about the fact that you have to do some research about Numerology. I decided to help you out a bit, and give you a short introduction about the 'magic number', 3.

You will find that there are several references to special nubers in literature and folklore. Most of these derive from the recurrent allusions to certain numbers, ranging from Ancient Greece to various religions. In addition, many philosophical or scientific themes or concepts come in threes.

Here are some examples from The Book of Threes

In Greek mythology, the number three is is associated with different trios. The clearest example is how the universe was ruled by three gods - Zeus ruled the sky, Poseidon the seas and Hades the underworld. The Three Graces were daughters of Zeus- Euphrosyne, Aglalia, Thalia. The Three Fates were three sisters who decided the fate of men and gods - Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos. The three Furies were feared goddesses - Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera. There were also three Cyclopes, representing thunder, lighting, and the lighting bolt - Brontes, Steropes, and Arges.   There are also creatures for which the number three is significant: The Chimaera has three heads - lion, goat, and snake; or the Cerberus, a three headed dog with a snake tail and snake heads protruding from his back.

In other cultures, we can find different examples. In Asian folklore there are three wise monkeys - Mazaru: Speak no evil, Mizaru: See no evil, Mikazaru: Hear no evil. In Norse Mythology, the world had three levels, and the world tree had 3 main roots going to each level. In Muslim legends, the Genie can grant three wishes. Even in children's folk tales, we can think about the 'Three Little Pigs' or 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'.

Many examples come from religion. In Christianity, many concepts are tripartite: The Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit; the three temptations of Christ; the Holy Family - Mary, Joseph and Jesus. In Islamism, there are thre Holy Cities -  Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem. In Hinduism, there is the Trimurti - Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer. In Buddhism, there is the Triple Gem - Buddha, Dharma, Sangha. In Judaism, there are Three Patriarchs - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. And the list goes on...

Nowadays, we still have some supperstitions connected to the number three: 'third time's lucky', 'third time's a charm', 'the third man gets caught' or 'three strikes and you're out'.

So I'd like you to browse The Book of Threes and find examples that you find interesting about the significance of number 3 in different areas: Art, Literature, Politics, Philosophy, Science, Sport, etc. Choose 3 examples, explain them in your own words, and discuss why you find them interesting in a comment below.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

On films

Just a quick couple of questions to get you thinking about the writing:

1) What kind of films do you like best?
2) What's your favourite film of all times? Why do you like it?
3) Have you got a favourite actor/director?

4) Do you ever read film reviews before you choose to watch a film?

Please write your answers in a comment below.

A Film Review

Since we have been talking about films lately, I though it would be fitting to write our own film reviews.

First, read this model and think about what information you need to include in each paragraph.
Film Review

Choose a film you remember well -it doesn't need to be a horror film. Write your review following the model you read above.

Some tips:
  • When you write the summary of the plot, use present tenses to make it more vivid. And don't tell the reader how the film ends.
  • When you describe good an bad points, try to use a variety of adjectives and adverbs.
  • Include linkers!
Write your review in 120-180 words.
Please submit your writing by e-mail (

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Shaun of the Dead

In the listening below, the speaker mentions a comedy film called 'Shaun of the Dead'. Watch the trailer.

Which film does it satirise?
What characteristics of horror films does it parody?
Would you like to watch it? Why (not)?
Compare it to other parodies like 'Scary Movie'.

Please write your answer in a comment below.

On Horror Films

You have been working on horror for quite some time now. Today we are going to listen to a girl who discusses different kinds of horror films.

Horror Films by mmasuyama

a. Complete the following sentences:

1) When she was a child, she used to watch the ___________ horror films, for example, ___________. She mentions an anecdote about her mum finding her all alone one night watching a film called ___________.

2) She really enjoys the so-called ___________ films, which are really bloody and violent, like ___________. She doesn't think they are scary, she thinks they are ___________.

3) She thinks the scariest films are the ones which are ___________ , for instance ___________.

4) Her favourite horror films are ___________. The one she likes best is ___________.

5) The last horror film she saw was ___________. It was based on a story, written by ___________.

b. Name more examples of the types of films mentioned in sentences 1, 2, 3 and 4.

c. Have you watched any of the films the girl mentioned?

d. What kind of horror films do you like, if any?

e. Discuss a horror film that you watched during your childhood. What was it about? How did you feel?

Please submit your answers by e-mail (

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Reported Speech

We are going to do some brief revision of Reported Speech, which I'm sure you've studied before. Just to brush it up, have a look at this video:

Read these comments about The Black Cat, taken from

1) Report them, using a variety of reporting verbs.

a. Sonia: 'In this story, the readers can imagine themselves in the character's place and can almost feel the pain and fear inside.'

b. Ellen: 'Very disappointing to see this kind of torture in something that is considered classic horror literature.'

c. Sarah: 'The narrator's attitude after killing his wife reminds me of he attitude of the narrator in Tell Tale Heart after killing the old man .'

d. Jeff: 'I was not impressed with this book, I wasn't able to follow the plot and it was very uninteresting.'

e. Matt: 'Pretty sure there's not an ounce of real terror anywhere in this story. Funny stuff!!'

f. Elise: 'I was highly disturbed by it, but I guess that's the point.'

g. Jessica: 'I love my two pet cats and what happened in this story made me feel ill.'

2) Do you agree/disagree with any of the comments? Why (not)?

Please send your answers by e-mail (

Back to Poe

I was told that you read Edgar Allan Poe's The Black Cat. With that in mind, I found a very interesting comic version of the story. Have a look (I suggest that you fullscreen for a better view):

Edgar Allan Poe's THE BLACK CAT by Bernie Wrightson & Archie Goodwin
What do you think about the version?
Do you think looking at the pictures helps you understand the story?

Is it how you had pictured it?
Do you know of any other artwork inspired by the story?

Write your answers in a comment below.

Grades so far

Dear all,

Here's an update on grades.
I've been talking to Andrea about the fact that many people have complained about the blog. Since neither of us can do anything about it, we have asked Carlos to discuss it with you tomorrow. Feel free to tell him whatever your opinion is.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

On late assignments

Some people have not submitted all the activities yet. Remember the first term is drawing to an end, so if you have any pending assignments, make sure you hand them in over the next couple of weeks.

Please consider the following:

  • If you have technical issues, you can use the school computers. Or you can hand in homework in paper.
  • If you have any questions, you can contact me by email, comment on blog posts or see me at school on Wednesday and Thursday mornings.
  • If you comment on old posts, please let me know. Otherwise, I don't usually check back.
  • If you have sent me any activities by email more than a week ago and you haven't received any corrections, then I probably haven't got them.
The deadline for handing in late work will be May 16th. Assignments which have been handed in late will, of course, be graded accordingly.

Let me know if there's anything that is not clear about this.

Some more 'Fever Pitch'

I've noticed that most of you are a bit behind, so I' going to be easy on you for this week...

Remember last week we read/watched bits from Fever Pitch?

Look at the trailers for the British and American versions of the film:

Compare and contrast them in a comment below.