Wednesday, 11 July 2012

On file-sharing

Watch this video where musicians discuss their opinion on file-sharing, and more precisely, downloading music from the Internet.

1) Which arguments for/against downloading music do they discuss? Do you agree or disagree?
2) Do you ever download music from the Internet for free? If you had to pay for it, would you continue doing it?
3) Do you ever buy CDs? Why (not)?
4) Some bands post their new songs on their websites, do you think this is a good idea?

Please post your answers in a comment below

Favourite bands

Listen to a learner of English talking about her favourite band.
My Favourite Band by mmasuyama

1) Explain the following quotes from the listening. What do the words in bold mean? You can check with a dictionary, but I'd like you to explain in your own words:
a) "And actually I bought their album out of scepticism."
b) "I just think that, "Wow! This is real music!" because it's musically and lyrically great."
c) "They have also widened my horizons to the fullest."
d) "I just think that not any band in the music scene has this guts to care about."
e) "Contrary to general belief that Radiohead is depressing, Thom Yorke the frontman is always whining. I actually think that their music is very uplifting and soothing."

2) Choose the best option:

a) She first became interested in the band when...

1 ... a DJ played OK Computer in a disco
2 ... there was a special radio programme about the band
3 ... someone on TV recommended the album
b) Radiohead inspired her to...

1 ... write poems
2 ... listen to different types of music
3 ... play a musical instrument

c) Because of the band she...

1 ... became interested in graphic design
2 ... met the designer of the album cover
3 ... created art for cd covers

3) Why does she care about the fact that the members of the band are 'socially responsible'? Do you think it's important for musiciand to send these kinds of messages?

Please send your answers by e-mail

Grades so far

Dear all,
These are the updated grades. Please check if I overlooked anything. Questions are welcome :)


Wednesday, 4 July 2012


Write a paragraph about a song that has influenced you in some way:

When/where did you first hear it?
What kind of song is it? What is it about?
What memories do you associate it with?
Why is this song special for you?
Write your answer in a comment below. And please post a link to the song so that I can paste them here :)

Guadalupe Paul McCartney 'My Valentine'
Borja Nene Malo 'Bailan Rochas Y Chetas'
Mariana Alanis Morisette 'Head Over Feet'
Victoria Depeche Mode 'A Question of Lust'

31 Songs

Remember Nick Hornby, author of Fever Pitch? Well, besides being obsessed with football, he has written a great deal about music. One of his latest books, 31 Songs, is a collection of essays where he describes the songs that make up 'the soundtrack of his life'. In a related article, the Guardian newspaper asked different people about the songs that changed their lives. Read the extract below:

31 Songs

1) Decide which of the people above talk about a song...

a) ... that inspired other musicians.
b) ... that is great to listen to when you're sad.
c) ... that he/she hated at first.
d) ... which is about crime.
e) ... that is sung by his/her best friend.
f) ... that had a futuristic style.
g) ... whose lyrics are not clear.
h) ... that he/she doesn't like, but is connected to a very happy moment of his/her life.
i) ... that had multi-cultural influences.
j) ... which is about crime.
k) ... which includes a dramatic pause.

(there are extra songs that you don't need to use)

2) Look up five words you don't know in the dictionary. Write the definition and an example.

Please send your answers by e-mail (