Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Opinion essay

As you've been discussing advantages and disadvantages of using social networks, I thought it would be a good idea to write an opinion piece on this topic.

Please read the model below, and try to complete the activities suggested; you don't have to hand this in but it will definitely be useful for you to improve on layout, organisation, coherence and cohesion.

Write your opinion essay about one of the following topics:
  • New technologies have had a positive influence on communication.
  • Online social networks are a double-edged sword.
  • The use of social networks has had a negative effect on teenagers. 

Please send your essay by e-mail (

Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Since we have been discussing technology and inventions, it seems suitable to discuss social networks as well.

I'd like you to watch the following commercials -they are really short, I promise- and answer the questions below:



1) What are the disadvantages of online social networking that are highlighted in each video? Do you agree with their message?

2) Choose one of these videos and discuss it. What do you think the point of the commercial is? Did you like it? Why (not)?

3) What are, in your opinion, the main advantages and disadvantages of social networks like facebook?

Please post your answers in a comment below.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


First of all, I'm glad to see that most of you have been working very well lately :) Istill have to finish correcting some of your assignments, but I'll e-mail you some feedback and post your marks as soon as possible.

As regards today's task, please complete the following reading comprehension activities. You'll see that the last one is oral, so perhaps you can do that next class with Matias. Send your answers by e-mail (


Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Shift happens

I've been talking to Matias, and he suggested that a nice topic we can work on is technology. In order to introduce this new unit, I'd like you to watch the following video.

Discuss the following questions in a comment below:

1. Choose three facts mentioned in the video which surprised/interested you. Explain what they mean to you and why you chose them.

2. What is your relationship with technology like? Has it always been the same, or has it changed over time?

3. Which of the gadgets/websites/media/etc. mentioned in the video do you think you couldn't live without? Why? 

4. Do you think technology has had a positive impact on society? Are there any disadvantages?

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

The News about the News

In order to wrap up our discussion about the news and the media, here's an interesting talk that I came across.
I'd like you to work on it as a listening exercise, although looking at the visuals in the presentation will definitely help:

A. Listen to the presentation, and answer the following points:
1. Compare the 'world land mass' map and the 'february 2007 news' map. What are they? What do they show?
2. Name some of the events that took place in February, 2007. Were they covered by the press?
3. Which news story monopolised press coverage during this time? Do some research about this. What does it tell you about society?
4. Explain why global news have become neglected. Provide statistics and examples.
5. When the speaker contrasts local TV news with websites such as Google News, what conclusion does she arrive at? 
B. Complete the following vocabulary activity: