1. Write a comment about your feelings towards the Argentinian team. Are you proud of them? Do you think they should have done better? Express your feelings in 50 words.

2. Listen to this song.
A) Did you know it before the World Cup? Have you ever heard about the band? Do you know any other of their songs?
B) What are the lyrics about?
C) In which ways can you relate it to the world cup?
Post your answers on a comment below
1)Actually I'm very sad because Argentina lost the world cup. I'm really proud to be Argentina. The players left everything on the court, and deserved to be the winners. Nevertheless, it is admirable that a country like Argentina have reached the final in football. That's an honor!
A.No, I did´t know this song before the World Cup. But I hear people talk and listen to several songs from the band.
This song is heard reminded me of the bad luck that Argentina had in the last game. They played well but luck was not on our side.
B.I know some songs of the band such as "Have You Ever Seen The Rain" (refers to a metaphor for bombs falling from the sky, the song is very good, I like it) and "Green River" (also very good . Explains a happy childhood).
C. In this song, it relates to Argentina because Argentina put much effort into winning, and this was noted. The metaphor is that it was a "bad moon" because luck was not on our side.
C. * I´m sorry, the song relates me to Argentina because Argentina make a song critizies Brazil, and that song was modificated by us.
DeleteAhhhh That's much better!!!
Delete#2 Refered to the lyrics of "Bad moon rising"
1.Im so proud of our Argentinian team. They left everything on the court and play a fair game, The only reason they work so hard to get to the finals is because the support of the people and the happyness that a match of football brings to the society. They shouldn't have done it better. Best selection ever!
ReplyDelete2.A) No! I didn't know that song before the world cup and i don't know anything about the band and other songs.
B) The song is about a bad time coming. The song want to say that you don't have to go out of your house and prepare for a hard time that the moon shows.
C) I can related with the world cup because this is the song that the Argentinians made their song about Brazil.
Well done! I share more or less the same feelings!!
DeleteAfter all, I’m very proud of the team. I think that beyond that there where mistakes, the team gave everything for their country, and that’s what matters. All of them where amazing, anyway my favorites where Mascherano, Di Maria and of course, Lavezzi. All in all I’m feeling thankful to them for taking us to the end and make me live the excitement of my first World Cup Final
ReplyDeleteA) Yes i knew about the song before the World Cup, I knew Creedence because my brother is a big fan of them, so yes, I know other songs of them like Fortunate Son or Cotton Fields.
B) The lyrics are about the thoughts of the Singer about it’s going to be a bad day, in wich terrible things will happend like earthquakes.
C) I don’t like to have to relate this song to the World Cup because for me it was a positive experience, and this song is the opposite. So, If i must relate this song to the World Cup I would say that is being sung by a Brasilian wich seeing their future
Candela García Cambeiro
#3 Interesting!! The thing is that the Argentinians changed the words of the song.. "Brasil decime qué se siente..."
DeleteDid you notice it's the same tune???
All right! I'm very sad about the last Sunday match because I think that we were close to winning the cup. That's only why I'm sad. Players gave everything and that's why I'm proud of them. Obviously, I'm satisfied with the team because they has reached the final of the World Cup and they put Argentina on the top of the best teams of the world. They returned us the illusion of being champion.
ReplyDeleteWelll done - carry on with the other questions!!
Delete1) After the final I was left with only four feelings: Helplessness, anger, pride and sadness. Helplessness because our players gave their all on the pitch, against a team as is Germany, which really is a strong opponent, playing as equals without being able to win. Anger by the very bad arbitration and the unconverted goal occasions , because we could have won quietly to germany. Proud of the players, the argentine people and the coaching staff, without who we couldnt, after 24 years, have been in a final again. And finally, sadness, obviously needless explain much, because I had high hopes of winning the cup, which we were not far away.
a) Yes, I knew the song before the World Cup, but had never heard of the band, or know another song from them.
b) The lyrics of the song talks about a bad moon on the rise, nasty bad weather and meteorologic conditions. Also it Gives an advice: Dont go around tonight!
c) I can relate to the song that the Argentines did to Brazil in this world cup, which is traveling around the world. Brazil tell me that feels!
Also prefer, Riber tell me that feels, having played the national!
Excellent answers!!!
DeleteI Really liked that new version "Riber tell what it feels..." :P
I'm very proud of our team. I think they gave everything to win the Cup. Unfortunately we couldn't get it but personally I liked how they played and how they improved match after match along the World Cup. Although our team played very well, it wasn't enough. So, all in all I loved the values they showed us and I'm very thankful for that.
ReplyDelete2) a) Yes, I knew the song before it became so famous, but that's the band's only song I know, though.
b) the song gives a negative perspective of the environment and tells us it would be dangerous if we go outside
c) I can relate it with the World Cup because this is the song that we made for Brazilian people
Good job!!!!
Delete1) The truth is that i’m very sad with the match result. Because I think we were very close to win the cup, I think we deserved to win. I feel very proud of the team and I think they left everything on the court. For me we are champions, for all that we gave.
ReplyDeleteA) Yes! I know that song before the world cup and i know about the band and their songs, because my father is a big fan of them, they have all of their cd´s.
B) The song talks about the bad time, you have to be prepared for a difficult time, in which terrible things will happen.
C) I related to the world cup because it´s the song that Argentina did about Brazil. Brazil tell me that feels, have at home your dad!!!
Welll done!
DeleteNot sure about that translation though...
Even though we get the second place, i'm so proud of our team because it isn't an easy way to arrive at the final match of the football world cup. Ignoring the result, i think we are champions like Germany, because both did their best.
A- Yes. I knew that song before the World Cup. Also, I know a little about the band and others song such as "Have you even seen the rain", because my parents love that type of music and we listen them all the time, so imagine!
B- The song shows the Singer's thought about badly situations on environment and society which could end up with our lives.
C- I related this song with the World Cup, firstly because is the acoustic that Argentinians used to made song to Brazil, secondly, i think they used it like a metaphor to show what we (Argentinians) were able to do for our team.
So true!!! Great answers Sol!
DeleteAlready been weeks since the end of the World Cup. Still feel sadness when we lost in the last minute. Not anger, but sadness because we played very well. I'm very proud of the selection Argentina, each player left his heart in the game and all Argentines are happy for it.
ReplyDelete1) Yes, I know the song before the World Cup. I know the band, but I remember another song from them.
2) The lyrics are on there will be bad weather. With problems so it is better that you stay safe.
3) Yes, I can related with the world cup because the argentines used this song to sing to Brazilians.
Last minute goal... so sad....
Delete1)I think Argentina should have won the cup, because players worked hard, although at first I was very sad about the result against Germany, after a few days until I realized where we had arrived and I felt very proud.I think that the players could won the cup of the world, it was only bad luck.
a) Yes i knew about the song before the World Cup but i never heard about this band.
I never heard another song of Creederence.
b) The song is about a bad time coming. The song want to say that you don't have to go out of your house and prepare for a hard time that the moon shows.
c) I relate the song with the World cup because this is the song that we made for Brazilian people to de world cup. "Brazil tell me that feels"
I think most of us feel proud now! Well done!
Delete1- Although we didn't win the cup, I felt very proud of the team and the game. Played the final was extraordinary at least for me who had never seen the selection in a final. It was a true sadness not celebrating the first prize but I think they going to have the opportunity to win on another world cup.
ReplyDelete2a- Unfortunately, I never know the song before the world cup not even the band of other songs of them.
2b- The song talks about the bad times are coming, it see hurricanes, earthquakes, lightning and problems in the way, it says it's better not go out tonight because you could die.
2c- I related the melody of the song to the version song that we sang to the brazilian on world cup times.