Monday 27 October 2014




Answer the following questions

A) Did you like the end? Why / Why not?

B) What would you do to someone who killed somebody in your family?

C) Imagine a different end - How would it be?

D) Do you believe everybody is 'guilty' of at least 1 sin? Justify your answer.

Post your answers on a comment below


  1. 1) Yes, because I did't expect that it would end that way. It surprised me a lot.

    2) If someone killed my family I'd die. My family is very important to me. The person who kills them for me would have to go to jail for many years. But it wouldn't kill him.

    3) For my other serious end to John Doe finished repenting of all sins he did, that would be a good ending.

    4) If I think we all feel guilty for even one minute. So I think John Doe too. Because we are human beings.

    1. #1-3 Well done!

      #4 is not clear... Do you think everybody is a sinner? = All of us have at least 1 sin - nobody is 'perfect'.

  2. 1) Yes, i like it because it was an unexpected ending and leaving you with a lot of questions.

    2) In my case, i wouldn't kill him because it's a way to give the killer the freedom of his crimes. So i would get him into jail and never get out until he dies

    3) A good ending it would have been if Tracy was still alive and Mills have to choose to save Tracy or kill John Doe so he would stop commiting murders.

    4) Yes, i do believe that. It's imposible to be free of deadly sins. But after we commit one we could be forgiven if you recognize it

    1. interesting!

      #3 That would be a really good ending!

  3. A) I like the end at the way that it wasn't a happy one like all the ends, it was original from my point of view because i never expect for that end. But on the other way, i didn't like if i think on the story, i feel terrible for Mills and his wife's dead, i dont want to think how painful it could be.

    B) If someone kill somebody of my family and I have the opportunity to kill that person on that moment I would kill him there I think, because the impotence that I would have would be so important that don't let me think at that insanity moment. Maybe, if I know who kill that member of my family but I didn't have the opportunity to kill him, I don't go to kill the person but I will do the possible until the justice arrest him.

    C) A different end would be John Doe alive in prision for the rest of his life, Tracy alive and having the baby with Mills but he and Somerset would have retired with closing the end of the John Doe's case.

    D) Maybe everybody in the way of their life commits one deadly sin, but if you don't hurt another person is your problem and you have to recognised that to feel more free with your own soul, if you hurt other people while you commit the sin that is terrible for me, it's an inecessary thing to do and maybe it is more hard to recognised.

    1. Well done!

      #2 - It would be really difficult not to kill the person when you have the chance to do it... but it would be much wiser wouldn't it??

  4. 1) No, I don’t like the end of the film because it gave me pity what happened to Mills. He does not deserve to go to jail, much less losing his wife and son. Although it is true that the plot of the film is very good.
    2) I think than in this moment maybe I would react in the same way that Mills did, but I don’t believe that kill a person heal the pain, I prefer to send this person to the jail.
    3) A good ending would have been John Doe Mills has misled and did not kill his wife. But Mills, he has not believed and discover your deception, and then take him to jail.
    4) In my opinion, we all make one deadly sin because we are human and make mistakes. Still, we must be able to control us and try to think more about others than ourselves.

    1. #3 I liked your ending - sounds clever -

      #4 I believe all of us are sinners - I agree that we should try to think about others much more - the world would be so different if we did!

  5. 1) Yes, I really liked the end because I had a lot of suspense and it seemed an original idea and I didnt expect that, well produced by the screenwriter or director of the movie.

    2) I cant say the decision would take, if Im not going through that situation. But I think that wouldnt kill him, violence doesnt solve things. The only thing I would look for is justice, remain in prison for life.

    3) A different ending would be that Somerset convince Detective Mills of let the murderer alive. Since that didnt help at all, his wife wouldnt revive if he kill him. That manages to control his anger and have self-control, leaving the movie a kind of education or deeper moral.

    4) The truth I'm not Catholic, if those are the deadly sins, I think almost everyone is guilty or have ever committed any of these 7 sins. That then repent of these and seek God's forgiveness, is another matter.

  6. 1) In one hand i dont like the end because i wanted that the story will end in a happy end, but in the other hand, i was really surprised with the end because i didn't expect that the story finished in this way.

    2) I think that the prisión is the worst punishment that somebody could have. So i prefer to send that person to the jail. But if i were Mills maybe i reacted like him.

    3) A different end would be Mills, Tracy and the baby living happy of the rest of the life. John Doe in prison and Somerset with his wife living happy in the countryside.

    4) It depends on what we call sin, if those are the deadly sins i think that everybody is guilty of at least 1 sin. Because nobody is perfect and everybody make mistakes.

  7. 1. Yes, because it gives an unexpected ending to the film. Leaves you very surprised and makes you wonder a lot, for example if you do what he did.

    2. If someone killed someone in my family, in the moment I would kill him. But if I think about that, I would put him in prison until the day he/she die. But without thinking, I will react like mills.

    3. The film could end in the most obvious way, John Doe ends up killing their victims and mills and Somerset discover it.

    4. Yes, I think so. We all commit at least one sin, but not as extreme as in the film. Overall I think it is just like that, but maybe there are some people that commit sins as in the movie.

  8. A) Did you like the end? Why / Why not? yes because It blowed my mind! it was a surprise and totally unexpected!!

    B) What would you do to someone who killed somebody in your family? My first thought is that I would kidnapped he or she and would torture that person but then I think it better and although I wouldn't forgive that person I wouldn't do anything because I will not be the same person as him/her.

    C) Imagine a different end - How would it be? I would have enjoyed an end where somerset moves to a quiet town and mills marry her wife (and jon doe in jail)

    D) Do you believe everybody is 'guilty' of at least 1 sin? Justify your answer. yes! I think everyone is guilty of at least 1 sin but we have to improve ourself to become greater and better.

  9. 1) Yes and no. Yes because it was an unexpected end and no because I think that Mills had to make another decisión.
    2) The first thing that it came to my mind is to kill the murderer but it’s not the correct decisión becuase it’s a way to give the killer the freedom.
    3) The best ending for me is with Tracy alive.
    4) Yes. It’s imposible to be free of deadly sins.
