Wednesday, 20 August 2014


Read this article about a project carried out in Argentina a couple of years ago.

1) What did the project consist of? (Write at least 50 words).

2) What do these numbers stand for: 
     a) 280.000   

     b) 2007 
     c)  25

3) Do you think the project was successful? Why / Why not?

Send your answers by email to


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  2. 1) The project was based of the improve quality of life of society. They try to improve urban life, and benefit many families in our country. It is to improve poverty in Argentina because there are people who can´t have a home. This program is conducted by the Ministry of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services through the Ministry of Public Works.

    2) 280.000 residents.
    It was approved in January 2007 (2007 the year).
    The loan was extended for 25 years.

    3) Yes. I think that the project was successful because the loan was very important and could also be financed in many years. So this humble people who were without any connection to networks or water thunderstorms may know what it is to live differently.
    Still seems they lie to these people who was benefited with this project because they had no water, no light, no improvements of any kind. So will have access to roads, to get to take a bus, the transfer to work

    1. Well, I'm not sure how "successful" these sort of projects are. I mean, they do help people in need, but we've still got poverty everywhere!

  3. 1) The project consist in improve the level of life in urban settlements in Argentina. The overall objective is to benefit 250,000 families found it in 70 different settlements. In the project will be improved the infrastructure and sanitary equipment, water systems, gas distribution, green spaces are also included.

    2) 280,000 residents, in 70 poor urban settlements.

    3) I don´t know because I'm not very informed about the project. But based on the news, i think it could be very good, since they had very good things to do. Help people in need I think is great.

    1. #2 What about numbers 2007 and 25?

      It's always so good to help!! What are you doing to help people?

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