1. How do you think your current lifestyle compares with that of your parents?
2. At what age should a son or a daughter leave home?
3. Do you think there are more single-parent families now? Why? Why not?
4. Which aspects of the society are improving?
5. Are there any aspects of the society which are getting worse? Which ones?
6. Should unemployed people get state benefits?
7. Do you believe in high tax economy?
8. Is immigration a problem in your country? In which ways?
9. What do you think are the characteristics of a good member of society?
10. Do you have a vision of a better society? What changes would you make?
3 questions:
ReplyDelete2) At what age are or Should a daughter to leave home?
I believe that a son or daughter must leave home between 18 and 20 years. At that age they are more responsible and have a job will be able to live without the help of their parents. Sometimes some young people while working in the morning, they can study in the evening or at night. It is very big sacrifice but they want independence at that age.
5. Are there any aspects of the society which are getting worse? Which ones?
Aspects of society that are worse are: lack of work, and consequently that there is more insecurity in the country, many robberies are committed, and increasingly young begin before drug. Therefore, you can not advance education in schools at all levels (primary, secondary and university) levels.
Another problem is that the global economic crisis makes people come from abroad to see if they can live better in this country. Years ago this country was safer and had more work for everyone.
10. Do you have a vision of a better society? What changes would you make?
I think that people have to have a decent job and send their children to public school, especially in the interior of the country there is a lot of misery. Children must walk many blocks through the mud to get to school and the teachers also make very many efforts to teach them to read and write.
Also should have more respect for people from different social classes and offer some decent housing and having running water and electric light.
Well done! I agree with most of what you've written!
Delete1. How do you think your current lifestyle compares with that of your parents?
ReplyDeleteMy currently life style it's so different compare with my parent's. Firts of all the streets are more dangerous and when my parents were teenagers they usually spend their afternoons in the streets and it's whats safer than nowadays. Also they grow up in a world with no technology so they spend more time in the outsides making friends, nowadays every single child have a computer and make friends through facebook.
2. At what age should a son or a daughter leave home?
I think that they should move out whenever they feel ready because it's a big step in everyones life and if they are studing at the same time it could be very difficult because they become more indepent and have to get a job to pay everything
9. What do you think are the characteristics of a good member of society?
A good actitude of a good member of the society is being empathic because what is missing in society is the people worry about the others and taking care of the place they are living in
#2 Interesting thought... Definitely true
Delete#3 So difficult to find people who really cares about others!
Good job!
Three questions:
ReplyDelete2. At what age should a son or a daughter leave home?
I think the age at which a child must leave home to live alone and independently, depends on many aspects and factors, including them, the country they live, the social , economic, religious or political context, cultures and traditions of the family. I can only speak of which I belong, which is in Argentina, where it is customary to leave home when you start to pay your basic needs, having a job, when you go to live with your girlfriend and save some money to buy a house or own department. However, ages ranges from 20 to 30 years, although a minority leaves before that age and rare cases after 30 years.
3. Do you think there are more single-parent families now? Why? Why not?
Actually there are more divorced couples, so there are more children who must grow with the education of their parents, but separately. To me, this is because in the past I used to be different, you had to go with your partner forever and was the only one who had to have. Today, people marry at an early age, have children and get bored, which I think is very wrong. What I think is good, is that if the couple loves but has many differences, for example, man is messy and women do not, or things like that, if they can be separated, living in different houses, but followed watching and educate the child between the two, keep going to eat together and other things like that.
6. Should unemployed people get state benefits?
This topic is very controversial in our country, the government creates many plans and subsidies for the poor, unemployed and homeless. But is this the right solution? In my view, directly wouldnt have to exist unemployment in the country, is utopian, but the solution, isnt to give economic benefits to unemployed people, if not, you need to strengthen education as it possible, because this is the base and the strongest pillar of the society, for then get a degree and could get decent jobs and have a wide variety of employments to follow. Which is very hard to do, because you cant control if people benefit from the plans, are doing the right things, and send their children to school, if they themselves are studying or finishing high school, you cant know exactly where they.
Although in some sentences the message was blurred because of inaccurate use of grammar, I believe that your ideas were clear and quite relevant - well done.
Delete1. How do you think your current lifestyle compares with that of your parents?
ReplyDeleteMy current lifestyle y completely different in comparition with my parents's. At top of all, because of insecurity today more kids and teenagers leave at home and don't take pleasure playing or just spend their time with friends on the street.
Another point of view is nighclubs. When my parents were adolescents thei only have one matinee during the week, on Sunday and during the evening not all night. However, nowadays, whatever party this young generation have, they don't lose that opportunity. Also, that partys last all night uo the sun come out.
2. At what age should a son or a daughter leave home?
Personally, I consider that a son or a daughter will be able to leave home at 20 year all, why? because when they finished secondary school, they make their first step to an adult world, i mean they will have more responsibilities, not only by the university but also they have to start earning money by themselves.
8. Is immigration a problem in your country? In which ways?
yes, especially in point of nationalization, not only on the part of company and the products and raw materials both imported and exported, but also in how the hord of residents behavesin how the hord of residents behaves, i mean, if we every day meet, see and heard differents cultures's traditional, our customs will disapear.
I see your point in the last answer. However, I also think we should "share" our country and provide opportunities for others.
Delete1. How do you think your current lifestyle compares with that of your parents?
ReplyDeleteThe lifestyle of my parents was different from mine. The biggest difference is the technology, when my parents were kids did not have cell phones or computers. Also, they played in the streets of their neighbourhoods with their neighbours and if they needed to contact a friend had to go to his house. When they were teenagers, they were just parties lasted until three o’clock in the morning. Now the parties which I and my friends go will last up to six o’clock or more.
2. At what age should a son or a daughter leave home?
I think the age daughter or a son should leave the house depends on many things. That is, a person to have their own home should have a job to keep taxes, food, household items, etc. So, that person must have finished school and studying at the University with a permanent job. So I think the age for leaving home is 24 years.
9. What do you think are the characteristics of a good member of society?
A good member of society must respect the decisions other. Also, a member of society has to help people in need and help improving society. Respect the rules and be honest.
Are you a good member of your society???
DeleteGood job.
1- In my opinion, I feel that my current life compared to my parents ones in their adolescence is totally different. First, the uncertainty with which we live because we can't walk down the street and if we do we must be very careful. To me, that is the worst that can happen today because we haven't peace and we know that at any moment something could happen is frightening. Also, the lifestyle of my parents was more healthy for playing outside or going to clubs while we spent hours and hours in front of the technology that surrounds us unconsciously. Anyway, I prefer to live at that time primarily for safety and the healthier life style.
ReplyDelete2- For me it not depends on the age, I say, nobody at 16 or 17 years old gonna leave home, but if a young person wants to leave alone have to take responsability like maintain order of the place, pay taxes or cook every day. You need to have an input of money working if your parents cann't pay for you, but I think that the idea of going to live alone is when you become an independent person, to survive and pay by themselves.
3- Nowadays, there are more single-parent families on every parts of the world. The get divorced and the children start to have two different houses where inside there are two differents styles of education. What I usually see Is that many couples don't get along in their relationship because when someone is adult, the ways of thinking maybe don't coincide with the other person and end up separating. Some end the relationship without fights and speaking it in a good way, while others end up with that they can't be seen eachother and these are the cases where influence psychological and negatively to their children.
#1 Wow - I'm surprised to read that you'd rather live in the 80s o 90s...
Delete#2 Yep - It doesn't depend on the age - though if you ask me, young people shouldn't leave home before 18.
Well done!
I definitely agree with answer #1 - Education is one of the few things that could bring a glimmer of hope to our society.
ReplyDelete#2 - Difficult issue!
#7 Sad but true.. and we've got used to it, haven't we?
2) I think that the ideal time to leave home is between 20 and 25 years because at that age we suppost that we are mature to be free. Further more, a son or a daughter can leave home when they have the economy support to live alone.
ReplyDelete5) The insecurity is the biggest problem in the society. The security system is unreliable and police don't work in the correct form so thieves take advantage to stole every day.
9) A good member of the society have to be empathic because that's what make us good people. We don't have to lose that!