Wednesday, 21 March 2012

The Tell-Tale Heart

Watch these adaptations of Edgar Allan Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart.




1) Which version, in your opinion, is the closest to the original story?
2) Which version did you like best?
3) Choose one version, and discuss
- What part of the story is best illustrated by the film?
- What part of the story would you change, or portray differently?
- Is any scene irrelevant?
- Is any scene missing?

Write your answers in a comment below.


  1. 1)In my opinion, the third video is the closest to the original, because, when i readed the story first, i imagine that like this video.
    2) I think that the second video is the best, because the blck and withe create a frightened effect.
    3)I choose the third viedeo. the best part is when the narrator begins to see evil eyes everynhere.
    I think that in the video could show better the murder, but it is ok. I can understand everything, it isn t every scene irrelevant or missing, it s ok.

    Valentin Pastorini

  2. I quite agree with you, Valentin. Why do you think they avoid showing the murder in video #3?

  3. I don t know, but I think that it is to be left in the imagination of the viewer.

  4. 1. I think the 3rd one was the closest to the original text, because the first one was more of a comical interpretation, and the second one was too "stiff", while the third video portrayed better the darkness that shows in Poe's works.
    2. I liked the third version best, because of what I said before.
    3. I think that in the first video, the false kindness of the murderer is well portrayed. However, I wouldn't have made an animation of this story in such a bizarre way. I think that the craziness of the protagonist shows too much, giving away the "serious" feeling of the story, and making scenes like the one carrying the old man up the stairs, irrelevant. I don't think there's any scenes missing though.

    1. I do agree with the fact that the last version is the 'darkest'.
      Perhaps you thought the second one was too stiff, because it wasn't meant to be a film, it was a graphic adaptation of the story, which then someone made into a video. So that might explain why it doesn't flow as well.

  5. 1. I think that the 3rd video is the closest to the original story because of the use of the camera (the story is shown through the eyes of the madman, as it's told in the story of Edgan Allan Poe). We never see the face of the madman and we can only feel what he wants to do through his thoughts or conscience.
    2. I like the 2nd version best because of the concept that it's taken to carry out the story. They added more parts to the story, making the madman and the old man the same person, and that's really creative. We can think that all the story is in the man's head, but this video shows the darkness of one own man to himself even without noticing it.
    3. I choose the 3rd video. I think that the ending of the video shows quite well the despair of the man and how mad he was (when he enters to the madhouse you quite understand he was mad!)
    Maybe I would have change the part when the mad man killed the old man, and showed the eye of the old man more, to create this scent of terror to the eye.
    The part missing is when the madman desmembered the old man. I don't think there's any part that it's irrelevant.

    1. Very good points, Victoria! It's quite interesting what you mention about the camera expressing point of view.

  6. 1) In my opinion, the third video is the closest one to the original story of Poe because we do not see the madman and that creates a special atmosphere like in the original story. Also because the first one is like a comedy and the second one for my is confusing.

    2) I really like the first version, for me is the most interesting one and with that short video you can understand the original story and laugh at the same time.

    3)I choose the first video. For me, the actitudes of the madman are the very well ilustrated things.
    I would change the part when the police arrived and the madman becomes crazy, it makes me nervous. I think that there is no scence irrelevating, may be some parts are a bit "heavy" for an spectator. Finally I don't think there's any scenes missing, all is included.

    1. "I would change the part when the police arrived and the madman becomes crazy, it makes me nervous."
      Isn't the story meant to make you feel nervous/uncomfortable/uneasy in a way?

    2. yes, you're right, but in that moment is worst that in the others, for me. Is too much

    3. I get it. What I wanted to point out is that if the story/film makes you feel something, it's a job well done.

  7. 1. In my opinion are the first and the third video. I think the first video is more didactic and can help to interpret the story, and the third video is more clasic.
    2. I think the first version is the best, it´s more funny.
    3. I choose the fist video. The best illustrated part of the story is when the mad man is going to kill the old man.
    I think the video is good and it not any part of the story missing.

    1. I agree that the first video is funny. Now, doesn't that ruin the whole atmosphere of the original story?

    2. For me not, beacause I knew the atmosphere of the original story, beacause I read it. But I don´t know if for the person who didn´t read it is the same.

    3. I agree that if you haven't read the story, it'd feel different

  8. 1.I think that the 3rd is the closest one because you can not see the character like in the story.
    2. I like the second video most because being in black and white it creates a especial atmosphere that i like.
    3. i choose the 3rd video. i think that the final it's the best part because you can see the when he is becoming more and more desperate and mad.
    I would change the part when we kill the old man, doing it more dramatic. it's nothing irrelevant for my opinion.
    it doesn't show when he cut the old man in pieces.

    1. "I would change the part when we kill the old man, doing it more dramatic"
      I thought it was quite dramatic, especially because of the music, and the noises. Do you mean you would have liked it to be more eplicit?

  9. (sent by Mariana Rodriguez)
    1) I think the third video is the closest to the original story because it`s realistic, despite being in cartoons. i also think is has the necesary suspence, the one who Poe had wanted it to have.

    2) I like more the first video. I entertained myself seeing it, although it´s very exaggerated it represents very clear the story.

    3) I choose the third version. It´s very well ilustrated the parte after the man killed the old man, you can feel peace and calm, the same that I think the protagonist felt. I would change the part of the murder, it ins´t there and in that part it´s a los of time in black.

  10. 1) I think the third is the closes to the story couse it keeps the suspence as the book do. it also it is the more realistic story of all and i think the other ones being cartoons make the storie funnier.

    2) The story i like more is the first video, becouse it shows you the story from another point of view. in a funnier way and mabye represented for little children.

    3) The best part ilustrated in the story is when it shows the evil eye and how the draw it. maybe i would change the part after killing the man i would thought insted he cut all the man into pices i woluld think to make something evil with his eye. i think the scene of his obsecion with the eye was irrelevant for me how he gets mad just to see it. i dont think any scene is missing !

    1. "it is the more realistic story of all and i think the other ones being cartoons make the storie funnier."
      To be fair, all three versions are cartoons; perhaps the drawing style makes you feel that one is more realistic than the other?

  11. 1)I think that the third version is the closes to the original because it has a very suspence atmosphere and we can´t see the madam as the original.
    2)The second video is the one I like more, because the black and white effect and the add of a past story create a very good atmosphere.
    3)I choose the third video because of the end, it is great how mad the man is!
    I think I would change the part when the mad man killed de old men, it would be great that the mad man was more violent specifically whit the eye, it will be horrifying!!

    1. So, it seems like most people were disappointed in that the murder wasn't gory enough... I'll try to find a more violent version next time :p
