Saturday 20 September 2014


The topic we'll be dealing with from now on is 'Work'. In this video you'll see jobs which might be done in the future.

1. Do you think poeple will be doing these jobs in the future? Choose the weirdest one (and say why). 

2. Choose one you would like to do (and say why).

3. Choose one you would never do (and say why)

4. Can you think of any other jobs which might be popular in the future?

Post your answers in a comment below.


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  2. 1) I think people are going to use any of these ten things in the future.

    The most weirdest for me is the space elevator attendant, because some people want to do a jorney in the space, but I thing that is very complicated to go there with an elevator. I think that tecnology will never do that thing. It's very strange.

    2) I would like to be the domestic robotician. I always want to be a robot to do a thousand things at the same time such as washing, ironing, drying, cooking, cleaning the house and my room, and others things like do the homework and study.

    3) I will never do is the cosmetic bioprinter. Because everyone has its own foreign and inner beauty. And I think that beauty is on the inside, the outside varies over time. It is preferable to be a good person than improve facial appearance.

    4) I think I would like to create a time machine, to reconnect with people who have died, would something wonderful.

    1. #3 I couldn't agree more!! Beauty is not about appearance, it's about being "beautiful inside" - caring about others etc.

      #4 It would be really weird!!

      Good job

  3. 1) I completly think that people who want to be trained, will have the opprtunity to being part of this world of jobs.

    The weirdest job is the space alevator attendant, because as everyone know, going to the space you must wear an special uniform and the spaceship which has the correct tools to "fly"; so I consider the elevator is the oddest firstly because is unusual for us and secondly I find it difficult to create it with the perfect tool as a spaceship has.

    2) I would like to be part of the vertical farmer on the citys, because I consider myself 80% vegetarian and it would great to have a home-grown.

    3)I wil never participate in number 5 -DNA programmer- and 4- cosmetic bioprinter- because they are two fools jobs that continue with image of the "perfect stereotype" and create a system in which humans only have to like the physical part of a person, but a perfect person who has no wrinkles or a little overwight. Although, personally I think that was all incorrect because everybody has love themselves as the want to be and love the others just who they are.

    4) As a food lover, I suppose it would be a perfect idea to being create a fridge that if we asked for a meal, product or a special food, when we opened it, we would see whar we had asked.

    1. #4 That would be totally crazy!! I can't imagine "ordering" food to my fridge... if that existed, the world would be absolutely mad!

      Well done

  4. 1) I think that many of these jobs are going to be doing in the future. I think the weirdest one is the space elevator attendant, because it is strange and incredible that someone can climb vertically into space by a platform or a lift, besides that we would need a very advanced technology to do it.

    2) I would like to practice working 3D Fabricator, because I think creative, original and useful, although it is not too distant future, many people prostheses are manufactured with these printers.

    3) I would never work of vertical farmer, because this is a very rare and unreal form of planting vegetables, would also have to invest a lot in them.

    4) I think that a job in the future could be an engineer, inventor or professional maker, you can devise a way to share what you are smelling a certain fragrance, with any technological device to friends and others, or television also emit odors. It would be very fun and interesting.

    1. #1 Space elevator... yes, it sounds mad! But who knows??? Many years ago nobody thought that we would be able to fly to another continent... so let's wait and see what happens...

  5. 1) i really agree that people will be doing these jobs in the future, i think the weirdest one is the climate engineer, because i think is difficult that only one person can control the global warming using this panel.

    2) i would like to practice working cosmetic bioprinter because i'm interested about

    3) i wold never work of vertical farmer because i dont like to enclose the animals in those places, they must be in the nature.The same with the vegetables.

    4) I think a popular work in the future could be a robot to build a flying car

    1. Good job - (answers were a bit short though)

  6. 1) I really think that people in the future will be doing these type of jobs because of the technology. In my opinion the weirdest one is the space elevator attendant because it's going to be really hard to make it, it needs a lot of elements that doesn't even exist. The space elevator attendant is not imposible but really weird to made.

    2) I would like to use the 3D fabricator because it would be so much fun to get things in a paper to real and also it would be really useful if you need something that it is not manufacturated.

    3)I would never do the cosmetic bioprinter because it's seems really dangerous, that type of things has to be natural with minerals and those things to look better not a machine.

    4) Another future work that might be famous is a robot that is programed to desing clothes and made them in a second

  7. 1) In my opinion, these works are very possible to do because the technology advances more and more. But I think that the work of 3D Fabrication is unlikely that you can do because you can not pass a plane drawing something in 3d.
    2) I would like the elevator attendant existed, it would be awesome to travel through space and enjoy the planets. I think in the future may be very possible to happen with special and highly developed machines.
    3) I would never work in vertical farmer, because I think it does not work and it would invest a lot of money in those machines. Is much better than that work is well controlled by people.
    4) I think that in the future many jobs that people do, they will be replaced by robots or machines. It’s not something I would like but for many people would facilitate some things. For example, instead of a human hairdresser, a barber robot. It’s so crazy but I think it may be possible.

  8. 1) I think that on a far future many of the jobs could exist because nowadays the technology is going forward about the society very fast. Some of them in my opinion are impossible to exist but no ones know, maybe on a big future the science would create it

    2) I would like to do the space elevator attendant because that work catch my attention of being so amazing to do. It could be so crazy to know the space on a elevator but at the same time, something so adventurous and an a great idea to do. I would do it if that exist now, but someone who is afraid of heights couldn't do it no way, that distance is to high!

    3) I would never do a vertical farmer because it seems like a no natural way to raise animals and crops in the middle of the cities. For me, that activity have to be on huge and natural fields where all the production is grown on the land.

    4) For me, in the future will exist object that are going to be small but then when you push a button it will make it huge. So you can carry on a big object on your pocket because before you push the button, it will be small. For example if you go camping, it would be a little tent that you can carry on your bag and then it would be enormous!

  9. 1- I think that people in the future will be doing these types of jobs because of the technology. For me the weirdest one is Climate Engineer, because is very crazy that a machine control the weather of the world. For me it’s impossible.

    2- I would like to use the 3D fabrication because that work catch my attention. It would be so fun, you do something in a paper and then this machine to it in 3d. I would like to try it.

    3- I will never do cosmetic bioprinter. Because it is very shallow, would lead people to want to be perfect. I think beauty is inside in everyone, and the outside is the least important.

    4- Another future work that might be famous is the teleportation, you can go where you want at anytime. It’s so crazy but I think in many years this could be possible.

  10. 1. Do you think poeple will be doing these jobs in the future? Choose the weirdest one (and say why).
    I personally believe that these works are very possible to do because the technology advances more and more nowadays. But I think that the work of 3D Fabrication is unlikely that you can do because you can not pass a plane drawing something in 3d, is unreal.
    2. Choose one you would like to do (and say why).
    If I have to choose I would like to be part of the vertical farmer on the citys, because I consider myself vegetarian and it would great to have a home-grown, where I can eat what I like.
    3. Choose one you would never do (and say why).
    I defenetly would never do the cosmetic bioprinter because it's seems not healthy, that type of things has to be natural with minerals and those things to look better not from machine, It could be dangerous.
    4. Can you think of any other jobs which might be popular in the future?
    I think that in the future many jobs that people do, they will be replaced by robots or machines. It’s not something I would like but for many people would facilitate some things.
